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Foundational AcroYoga

  • udogbodies Nacka Sweden (map)

Foundational AcroYoga

Want to learn Acroyoga?

Let's play, learn, and grow through the movement of yoga, acrobatics, and Thai yoga massage. We will work to create a solid foundation to learn the fundamentals of acrobatic movements as well as flying therapeutics.

There are no requirements to join this course. Just a willingness to learn. If you have some experience that is great! You will be encouraged to learn how to base, fly, and spot.

We will learn how to find balance, communication, and trust as we learn how to base, fly, and keep everyone safe as a spotter. We’ll even learn how to create a flow with washing machines!

A typical class may include a warmup, partner work, and Thai yoga massage.

Course taught in English.

Teacher: Diana Bjälvenäs & Rikard Åsgård

Sundays, 6 weeks
October 22, 2023 - December 3
(No class: November 5, 2023)
Time: 14:00 – 15:15
Where: Mjölnarvägen 16, 13174 Nacka
Investment: 1350:-

Please select a "Plan" when purchasing for the whole course. If you are dropping in, please make sure you select the "Drop-in" pricing.

The last day to sign up is October 20, 2023.

Acroyoga Fundamental students have free admission to the Acroyoga Jam after class.

Students & seniors 10% discount (pass purchased in studio or email
To secure your spot, register online.

*Active UB monthly memberships get a 15% discount on this course. Email for more information.

Earlier Event: October 19
All levels AcroYoga course!
Later Event: October 26
Advanced AcroYoga 6 weeks Training